Development of a Novel Underwater Micro robot
With Proximity Sensors

Introduction of embedded:
Embedded system debugging involves more conceptual layers of a target system than debugging for time-sharing systems. Consider the case of debugging a C program within a time-sharing system. User-debugger interaction occurs almost entirely at a C language level of abstraction. Descent into assembly language and machine code representations of a target program is rare. Suspicions about a compiler bug may require inspection of generated assembly code.
About robotics
A robot is a mechanical intelligent agent which can perform tasks on its own, or with guidance. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine which is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous or semi-autonomous and come in those two basic types: those which are used for research into human-like systems, such as ASIMO and TOPIO, as well as those into more defined and specific roles, such as Nano robots and Swarm robots; and helper robots which are used to make or move things or perform menial or dangerous tasks, such as Industrial robots or mobile or servicing robots.

Proposed system:
In the field of underwater monitoring for applications such as pollution detection and video mapping in limited space, underwater micro robots are urgently demanded. Compact structure, multi-functionality, and flexibility are normally considered as incompatible characteristics for underwater micro robots. To implement these purposes, we have developed several types of micro robots with both compact structure and flexible locomotion. However, they just implemented one or two motions, rotating, swimming, grasping, or floating motions.

Hardware Required:
1.     Micro controller with power supply
2.     LCD
3.     Obstacle sensor
4.     DTMF circuit
5.     CCTV camera
6.     Driver circuit
7.     Dc motor
Software Required:
1.     Keil compiler
2.     Embedded c


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