Piezoelectricity is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure. It is derived from the Greek piezo or piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and electric or electron, which stands for amber, an ancient source of electric charge. Piezoelectricity is the direct result of the piezoelectric effect.
 The piezoelectric effect is understood as the linear electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and the electrical state in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry. The piezoelectric effect is a reversible process in that materials exhibiting the direct piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of electrical charge resulting from an applied mechanical force) also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect (the internal generation of a mechanical force resulting from an applied electrical field). For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed by about 0.1% of the original dimension. Conversely, those same crystals will change about 0.1% of their static dimension when an external electric field is applied to the material. Piezoelectricity is found in useful applications such as the production and detection of sound, generation of high voltages, electronic frequency generation, microbalances, and ultrafine focusing of optical assemblies. It is also the basis of a number of scientific instrumental techniques with atomic resolution, the scanning probe microscopies such as STM, AFM, MTA, SNOM, etc., and everyday uses such as acting as the ignition source for cigarette lighters and push-start propane barbecues.
In this project title is “power generation using piezoelectric materials”. The Piezoelectric materials will press automatically power generate. This power actually low level power for example 1v or 2v.This power give to voltage level circuit and boost converter circuit. Boost converter convert low to high voltage power (normally 5v). This power stored to battery and then will give to load (cell phone).

Hardware Requirements:
      • Piezoelectric materials
      • Generator
      • Gear drive
      • Battery 

§  It saves human time.
§  It is easy to implement.
§  It produce more energy
§  No fuel cost
§  Reliable            


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