            The objective of this project is to generate ultrasonic wave to detect objects as well as measure the distance of that objects.

            This robot is very useful to detect objects in the required places need to measure the distance of the objects.

Brief Methodology:
            This project is designed with microcontroller, ultrasonic transmitter and receiver, signal conditioning unit, ADC, Driver circuit along with motors, Alarm driver circuits and robot model.
            In this project robot is designed with stud, placed in the top side of the robot. This stud is rotated with help of motor. Ultrasonic transmitter and Receiver are attached in the stud. So whenever the stud is rotating both ultrasonic transmitter and receiver are rotated. Oscillator circuit generate 40KHZ frequency signal it transmitted through the ultrasonic transmitter. If any object is there the ultrasonic wave hits that and reflected from that object. The reflected wave is received by ultrasonic receiver depends upon the object distance the received signal strength is varied. Then it given to signal condition unit in which the received signal is amplified and also noise signal is rectified, then noiseless amplified signal is given to ADC.
            ADC is nothing but analog to digital converter in which the incoming analog signals are converted into corresponding digital signal then given to microcontroller. Here the microcontroller may be Atmel or PIC both are flash type reprogrammable microcontroller.
            In microcontroller we have already programmed. When an ultrasonic wave reflected from any one objects, the received signal is given to microcontroller to display the corresponding distance of the object on the LCD display. At same time microcontroller activates the alarm circuit. So alarm makes the sounds for indicating to the person.
            Robot movement as well as stud rotation is controlled by microcontroller. The microcontroller controls the driver circuit which controls the motors attached in the robot. Therefore the robot movement is controlled as per the instruction fed in the microcontroller.


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