Development of  Autonomous Robotic Wheelchair Controller Using Embedded Systems


A robot is an “apparently human automation, intelligent and obedient but impersonal machine”. Basically, a robot is a machine designed to do a human job (excluding research robots) that is tedious, slow or hazardous. It is only recently that robots have started to employ a degree of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their work, initially many robots required human operators, or precise guidance throughout their missions. Slowly, robots are becoming more and more autonomous.
This project presents a robotic wheelchair for the disabled persons. The body-supporting device for handicapped person is characterized as two sets, first set of two rigid segments, each mounted on the backrest by an articulated system which blocks the segment in a vertical orientation as armrest or horizontal orientation, and the second set has two cradle elements, adapted to be immobilized in the same horizontal plane in alignment to form open leg guards fitting over the front of the persons legs.

The wheelchair is controlled by means of remote. Using this wireless communication, a virtual network can be created. This eliminates the complexity of wired networks and suits well for short distance communication.  The wheelchair is protected by sensors. So this application can be extended for the blind persons.


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